
Weird State Laws

Weird state laws

Check out this array of crazy codes of conduct from across the nation. Some are no longer on the books (thank goodness), some might be urban legends and others are truly letter-of-the-law lunacy.
Scroll down to read about:
Florida’s door law
New Hampshire’s seaweed law
South Carolina’s pinball law


In the Bayou state, it’s illegal to pull the pizza prank (having a pie delivered to an unsuspecting person).
State trivia:
It’s the birthplace of gumbo.
HBO put its largest city in the spotlight.
Its state bird is the mascot for this school.


What qualifies as a public nuisance in the Sunshine State? Doors that open inward, instead of outward.
State trivia:
It’s the home of a popular sports event .
Watch some feisty local celebs.
Home to the world’s largest resort.


All you restless adolescents in the Badger state take note: There’ll be no throwing rocks at passing trains.
State trivia:
It’s the birthplace of a children’s apparel company.
The state is known as “Dairyland”.
It’s the home of current Super Bowl champions.

New Hampshire

Don’t even think about collecting seaweed at night in the Granite state.
State trivia:
Every four years, the state’s an international celebrity.
A Grammy-winning singer is a native.
“Live Free or Die” is the state motto.

North Carolina

Tarheel state residents who want to know their futures should stick to Ouija boards, because palm-reading parlors are banned.
State trivia:
It’s the home of delicious treats.
Hear one famous singer’s ode to the state.
See the state flower in bloom.


Buckeye state crooks must’ve been living for the weekend —no arrests were allowed on a Sunday.
State trivia:
The state’s name has Native roots.
It houses rock-and-roll regalia.
Listen to the state rock song.

South Carolina

Hey, minors in the Palmetto state, there’s no playing with pinball machines until you’re 18.
State trivia:
It was the inspiration for an American opera.
Watch funny clips of a famous “favorite son.”
Which romantic film hit takes place here?


If you run a junkyard in the Equality state, you’d better not buy any scrap from a seller who’s been boozing.
State trivia:
See the state’s vibrant flower.
Did you know there’s a state dino, too?
Watch an explosive attraction in action.


Don’t just hold the mayo, hold the horns, too. In the Natural state, there’s no honking outside of sandwich shops.
State trivia:
Which big box mega-chain was born here?
Learn to do the state dance.
Take a relaxing dip at this national park.

West Virginia

No matter how dapper it may have looked, it was once a misdemeanor to wear a hat inside a theater in the Mountain state.
State trivia:
Hollywood paid tribute to a local tragedy.
It’s the site of a historically-significant raid.
The state motto is "Montani semper liberi".


Silver state residents, no matter how tired you get in "The Biggest Little City in the World," you’d better think twice about lying down on a city sidewalk.
State trivia:
It is home to one of the world’s largest hotels.
Listen to Elvis’ tribute to Sin City.
See the brilliant state bird.


Take those billboards and fliers elsewhere because the Pine Tree state wants to keep its cemeteries ad-free.
State trivia:
Try some of the state drink.
Which spooky scribe calls it home?
It’s the setting for this TV classic.


Until 2008, it was illegal to sell sex toys in the Lone Star state.
State trivia:
It is home to America’s team.
Watch clips from its “Live Music Capital.”
Learn how to make a Tex-Mex delicacy.


Spray string — that’s this party favor — is taboo in the Heart of Dixie.
State trivia:
Visit a solemn historical site.
Find out why it’s called the “Yellowhammer State.”
Hear the state’s unofficial anthem.

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