
Funny pet stories

by Shazy | 1:22 PM in , , |

Funny pet stories
Funny pet stories. Little Miss Cooty.
Hi my name is Miss Cooty pronounced “Miss Cody”. I am all dressed up with no date dont that stink. But that wont stop me from my Halloween costume contest. Miss Brittany and her Grandmother made my lovely outfit. No its not my real hair color. She’s naturally “cream” which is like a dirty blond or off-whiteish. But now a days who goes all natural. Please dont hate just appreciate. Happy Halloween.

Crazy starfish.

I have an orange starfish not sure of the correct name I call him Patrick. Well I used to have him in with my seahorses but I decided to put him in my big tank. He was fine for a few days then I walked by the tank and he was over half way down my long tenical anemone’s mouth. So I jumped up and pulled him out. I thought he was dead. He had the slime that anemones digest there food with all over him. I took a paper towel and started wiping him off. All the time thinking of what bad thing I could do to the anemone to repay him for hurting Patrick. None of the little legs were moving no kind of life signs what so ever. So I took him over to the tap water to wash him off so I could let him dry out. After that I dried him off again and his color started wipeing off. Then I decided to give him one more chance just in case he was not dead to come around. I put him in my refrum and I checked on him about 30 min. later. To my surprise he was alive. He is climbing all around the tank now. I guess it goes to show that you should not give up so easy on thing you love. Now Patrick, Mr. Crabs and yes Sponge Bob are doing fine. Oh yes I did not hurt the anemone. I’m just looking for him a new home.

Clownfish with PMS.

I have a beautiful Gold Stripe Maroon clown fish named Ruby but she has problems. One day she is good as gold the next she is like a woman gone wild. If you try to clean the tank she will bite you. No matter the size of the other fish she still bullies the other fish around. There are 3 anemone’s in the tank and 2 of them she tries to claim for herself. The other clownfish dont stand a chance with the smaller anemone’s. I am waiting on her to try to take on the Green Carpet anemone. I dont even think she is that brave. I just wounder if they make medicine for that.

Blue tang fish.

I have been looking on all these different sites to find out about these fish. I like to read things like how they act and what to expect but they dont tell these things. So I have started my on so maybe it will help some one else. We just got it to night. I dont know if it is male or female and not sure yet what to name it but soon I will. After I let it set in the tank for about 45 min. I let it go into the tank. The thing went crazy and keeped on swimming in circles up the side of the tank. I’m not sure if this is how they all act or not. It really looked like the fish on Nemo. Now it has went and hide its self in a rock so I guess I will have to wait till tomorrow to tell you all more.

The second week of starting up a saltwater aquarium.

On 12-28-07 the little fish are starting to get settled down. It is nice to watch them swim around. My light came in and look great. It sure does make a difference. On 12-30-07 I started to see brown stuff growing on the rocks. I was told this is what should happen it is just part of the cycling. 12-31-07 I dont think it looks very nice any more. When I came home from work all the glass had it growing all over it and all the white sand is now brown and so is the rocks. I had to go buy a scraper at $17 dollars (but at leat it floats) so I could see the fish. 1-2-08 Ok it is starting to look a little better now. I went and bought some small crabs and they went to town on all of it. 1-5-08 It is almost all gone now and ever one is still growing good.

1-12-08 We went and bought 5 new white tail damels at $2.99 each and some live rock at 8.95 a pound. That is kind of high but that is what you get when you shop at local fish stores. And I just found a crab that came home with the live rock. I guess you can say that one was a really live rock. lol. Some people are tell me to get rid of him but I think he is really cute. He has parts from the live rock on him to make himself camuflage. 1-13-08 Well there goes the brown stuff again. I should not of added so much at one time. I just noticed that the rock has feather dusters growing on the that is so cool. That is one less thing I wont have to buy. Saved $20.00 dollars.

My Saltwater Aquarium.

I got my tank on Thursday 12-13-07. I had to get my husband to build the stand and that took about two days. Then I had to stain it and put the varnish on it. That took about another two days. then finally it got to come home on 12-18-07. When we got it home it was time to put it together and that was not fun. Instead of doing things like putting the back ground on and things like that I went on and filled it with water. On 12-20-07 I put the sand and salt in. Still not looking to see if it was far enough away from the wall to plug in the lights. It was not and 150 gallons of water 6 bags of sand and 3 bags of salt later I thought about that. To late to even worry about that. on 12-22-07 I got to put my first fish in the tank. I got 4 Blue Damsals and I hope they are happy. I got up on 12-23-07 and they are still alive. It may not seem like that big of a deal to some but to me that was huge. I was told that someone has a large live rock and a star fish they would give me if I could get it up and running right. And to anyone who know the price of living rock that is already growing the coral on it that is a lot of money saved. More on this as the days go on.

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