
Man finds thousands in cash at new home
Man finds thousands in cash at new home. What would you do if you happened to find $45 thousand dollars cash in the attic of a house you just bought? Well, ask Josh Ferrin of Salt Lake City, Utah. After purchasing a home for his family, Ferrin had a major “eureka” moment when he just happened to be rummaging around his new digs and decided to search the attic.

As he walked into the garage, a piece of cloth that clung to an attic door caught his eye. He opened the hatch and climbed up the ladder, then pulled out a metal box that looked like a World War II ammunition case.

“I freaked out, locked it my car, and called my wife to tell her she wouldn’t believe what I had found,” said Ferrin, who works as an artist for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City.

Then he found seven more boxes, all stuffed full with tightly wound rolls of cash bundled together with twine – more than $40,000.

Ferrin quickly took the boxes to his parent’s house to count. Along with his wife and children, they spread out thousands of bills on a table, separating the bundles one by one.

They stopped counting at $40,000, but estimated there was at least $5,000 more on the table.

Ferrin is now faced with a decision: do I keep it or do the right thing?

After most of the money was counted, Ferrin called one of Bangerter’s sons with the news.

Kay Bangerter said he knew his father hid away money because he once found a bundle of cash taped beneath a drawer in their home, but he never considered his dad had stuffed away so much over the years.

“He grew up in hard times and people that survived that era didn’t have anything when they came out of it unless they saved it themselves,” Kay Bangerter, the oldest of the six children, told the Deseret News. “He was a saver, not a spender.”

Bangerter called the money’s return “a story that will outlast our generation and probably yours as well.”

“I’m a father, and I worry about the future for my kids,” Ferrin said. “I can see him putting that money away for a rainy day and it would have been wrong of me to deny him that thing he worked on for years. I felt like I got to write a chapter in his life, a chapter he wasn’t able to finish and see it through to its conclusion.”

Well … this guy gets a gold star for honesty! And with his luck and added dose of good karma, he’ll hit the mega-millions next week. But we have to wonder if he “overlooked” a shoebox or two or stashed a couple hundred … who’s going to miss it, right? What would you do?

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