
Meet Arnold's mistress
Meet Arnold's mistress. The former mistress, and former housekeeper, of Arnold Schwarzenegger (63) is Mildred Patricia Baena (50), aka Patty Baena. The couple had a son together, but his identity is not being revealed, although identifying his mother makes it easy to find out who the son is, especially since he looks just like Arnold. The boy, who is 10 years-old lives with his mother, and three other children, in a 4 bedroom house with a pool several hours away from Los Angeles.

While working the past 20 years for Arnold, Baena made $1,200 per week. After she got pregnant she did not tell Arnold the boy was his, until the boy was already a toddler. It appears that although the couple were having s*x in the house while Maria Shriver was away, Arnold thought she was either on the pill or had her tubes tied. Despite the shock of having a son, Arnold was very generous in how he took care of Baena, and their son.

Now that the boy is known publicly, hopefully he can spend more time with his father. Although some media outlets are not revealing the boy’s identity, by revealing the mother, they have already given the boy’s identity away, and his mother posted pictures of Arnold’s son on MySpace, and those are still available for the world to see. There is no reason for anyone to be ashamed of such a handsome and smart looking young man.

Rather than attacking Arnold, it would be better to support a father and son getting to know each other better, and for the boy to meet his brothers and sisters. This young man should not be made to feel ashamed he is Arnold’s son. What’s done is done, so now it is important to give Arnold and the boy some support.

Maria has already made her own decision about her relationship with Arnold, and I hope she doesn’t make this a public specticle, because the person who will feel the worst will be the young man, and that is completely unnecessary. If Maria has something to say it is better to tell Arnold privately to avoid hurting this innocent young man with an act of revenge, like her plan to go on Oprah to "tell her story." We already know the story. Mariah should encourage the young man to get to know his father and siblings, and direct her anger only at Arnold.

Despite the fact Arnold makes mistakes, just like we all do so he is human, this young man should be very proud to have such an accomplished father as Arnold. I hope Arnold’s son gets the same opportunities all of Arnold’s other children currently enjoy in their lives. It might turn out that this young man may accomplish a lot more in his life than all of Arnold’s other children do, so let’s make sure he does not suffer because of a relationship between his father and mother we do not fully understand.

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