
Scots Guard removed from Royal Wedding
Scots Guard removed from Royal Wedding duty for making vile slurs against Kate Middleton
Bearskin, 18, called her 'posh b****' and 'stuck-up cow' on Facebook after perceived snub
Said he fantasised about shooting Jews while on duty
Described London as a 'Paki holding cell'
A Palace guard has been banned from the Royal Wedding parade for making vicious online rants about Kate Middleton after she apparently 'snubbed' him.
Scots Guardsman Cameron Reilly, 18, also said he had 'attacked a black man' while on leave in his home town of East Kilbride near Glasgow and fantasised about shooting Jews while on duty.
He called Miss Middleton, who is due to marry Prince William at Westminster Abbey on Friday, a 'stuck-up cow', adding: 'Who really gives a f*** about her?'
On his Facebook page, Reilly wrote how he felt insulted by Kate when she and Prince William drove past him last month.
He wrote: 'Her and William drove past me on Friday and all I got was a s****y wave while she looked the opposite way from me, stupid, stuck-up cow. Am I not good enough for them! Posh b****. Who really gives a f*** about her?'
Reilly, who joined the Army last year, was to be among several hundred Scots Guards involved in the wedding celebrations on Friday.
They will line the route of the Wedding procession for the newlyweds from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace.
He is regularly one of the soldiers who patrols outside the palace in iconic red tunic and bearskin hat, much beloved of tourists.

Commenting on his Facebook page on one such patrol, he wrote: 'Watching a massive Jew gathering at the Tower of London! Have never seen so many rabbis in my life.
A pal replied: 'Get the rifle out...'
To which he responded: 'Have got one of the Jews in my sights now lmao' - which stands for 'laugh my a*** off'.
He also described London as 'a Paki holding cell'.
There are a number of photos on his public profile including one of Reilly in combat fatigues and a beret holding rifles.
He is also pictured in a baseball cap clutching a bottle of Buckfast fortified wine and kissing a vodka bottle.
He lists his activities and interests as foot drill, Household division and infantry - all related to his training as a Guardsman.
Other interests include 'causing trouble' and super-strength lager.
According to The People, a soldier, who asked not be named, said: 'He's a big boozer and not what you'd call a thinker. He downs Buckfast fortified wine and likes raucous nights out.
'He joined Facebook last year and started posting bizarre things. He doesn't engage his brain before he types.
'These stupid comments could not have come at a worse time for him. Serving at the Royal Wedding is a huge honour. He has been incredibly naive.'
A spokesman for the Scots Guards said they were investigating the claims

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