Nation, we here at The Huffington Post aim to bring you the finest news anywhere, which is why we present the Colbuffington Re-Post. Clearly this rising media titan, with top-notch story selection and brilliantly crafted headlines, couldn't have been made without the smartest and best looking editors on the internet.
So a tip of the hat to Stephen Colbert for his wag of the finger on last night's "Colbert Report." Sure, watching a video on HuffPost of Colbert talking about his website made from HuffPost (which includes a page of Colbert news) ... it might feel like going through some sort of wormhole. But Colbert fans are used to that.
Colbert: Huffington Post
by Shazy | 3:16 AM in aol, Arianna Huffington, Colbert, Colbert Report, comedy central, facebook, Fear, Huffington Post, jon stewart, Obama, rally, Sanity, Stephen Colbert, Stewart, Video |